Contact Us:
Ballymount Road Lower,
Walkinstown, Dublin 12,
P: (01) 6854190
E: [email protected]
If you wish to place a mezzanine office in a warehouse or building you’ve come to the right company. Mezzanine floor Ireland we provide a full tun key service for a complete office mezzanine floor design and construction in your warehouse or building. We provide the steel floor structure and every component of the office space from wall paneling, floors and ceilings including suspended ceiling systems. Contact us on 01 – 6854189 to have your no obligation measurement and mezzanine floor design guide with a member of our sales team. We then work up a mezzanine floor office design to suit your space and requirement to provide a bespoke solution for a market leading price.
Application – Office
Location – Dublin
Size – 8000mm x 5000mm (40 square meters)
Height – 3000mm Finished Floor Level
Grid Size – 4000mm x 5000mm
Loads – 3.36KN/Sq. Meter
Structural Steel Mezzanine Floor located on their warehouse floor. Double skin modular partition offices ground floor and first floor. This floor was built for warehouse logistics managment.
If your company is looking to expand your existing floor space within your current building or warehouse talk to our mezzanine floor office design team based in Dublin and serving companies large and small nationwide in Ireland and Northern Ireland for the best in mezzanine floor office and storage solutions.